Corian Mandirs


Price :

From   INR 150000.00 INR 250000.00

Product Details
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Termite proof: yes
  • Color: white


7'FEET length

4'FEET width
2'FEET depth
Why buy corian Mandir for home??
1. Corian is a solid surface material that is non-porous, meaning it is resistant to bacteria and germs. Therefore, it is easy to clean and maintain the hygiene of the temple area.
2. Corian has an elegant and aesthetic look that can enhance the beauty of your home decor. you can choose the design and color that will match your home decor.
3. It is a durable material and not affected by water, scratches, and fading and retains its look for long periods.
4. The Corian material is smooth and has a shiny surface that adds elegance to your home temple.
5. It is easy to work with, making it possible to create unique, custom-design mandirs according to your specific preferences.
6. Corian mandirs are lightweight and easy to move. You need to handle heavy marble mandirs with care and can be expensive to transport.
7. Corian mandirs are less expensive than marble and other natural stone temples.
Overall, Corian mandirs offer a sleek and modern look, are lightweight, durable, and easier to maintain than many traditional materials.
Corian is a brand of solid surface material that is often used in the construction of furniture, including mandirs or Hindu temples. Om Art And Craft is a company that specializes in the design and construction of mandirs using Corian material.
There are several reasons why someone might choose to buy a Corian mandir from Om Art And Craft. Firstly, Corian is a durable and long-lasting material that is resistant to scratches, stains, and heat. This means that a Corian mandir will retain its beauty and functionality for many years, making it a worthwhile investment.
Secondly, Corian is a versatile material that can be molded and shaped into a variety of designs and styles. This means that Om Art And Craft can create mandirs that are unique and customized to the specific needs and preferences of their clients.
Finally, Corian is a low-maintenance material that is easy to clean and care for. This makes it a practical choice for those who want a beautiful and functional mandir without the hassle of regular maintenance.
Overall, buying a Corian mandir from Om Art And Craft can be a great choice for those who want a durable, versatile, and low-maintenance mandir that is customized to their specific needs and preferences.

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